European Summer University of Social Movements 2022

ESU22 will be about the future of Europe, which for us is more than just the EU. We will draw lessons from the deficits that the pandemic has so brutally shown us in many aspects of life. The social and environmental dimensions of this crisis demand our response. And we want to build bridges instead of fortifying borders - migrants are welcome. The vision of another Europe emerges from the critique of the existing one.

Alter Summit had organized a workshop on August 18th, 4:30pm, around climate issues and the world of work.
"Through an exchange of experiences and practices, the workshop will allow participants to approach the different possibilities that unions have to learn about environmental challenges, as well as integrate and work on them.We will address the following: new professional practices (approaches according to occupational groups), the transformation of internal organisation (cross-sector links, organisational bodies), union training and the defense of new rights and the policy of alliances of trade unions. We will evaluate the successes of these initiatives as well as the obstacles they have encountered. "
Look for more details here

Look for the entire program
To be able to join the discussions, you have to register here! until 1st of August.

Hope to see you in Mönchengladbach!
If you are planning to go, please contact