Membres actifs de l’Alter Sommet (Janvier 2020)
Campaign Welfare State (NO) ; ATTAC (ES) ; Union Syndicale Solidaires (FR) ; Transnational Institute (NL) ; CGT (FR) ; Economistes Attérées (FR) ; CADTM (BE) ; EAPN (EU) ; ETF (EU) ; SNES (FR) ; USO (ES) ; CG FGTB (BE) ; ELA (ES) ; Nei til EU (NO) ; CIEP (BE) ; CIG (ES) ; Fondation Copernic (FR) ; AEDH (EU) ; Tranform Europe (AT) ; Ciré (BE) ; IRW FGTB (BE) ; ATTAC BXL 2 (BE) ; EPSU (EU) ; FSIE (RO) ; Intersindal Valenciana (ES) ; EUHRC (EU) ; Mouvement de la Paix (FR) ; Tranform Denmark (DK) ; CSC Enseignement (BE) ; FSU (FR) ; FGTB BXL (BE) ; EuroMarches (EU) ; "Dalla parte dei lavoratori" (IT) ; CNE (BE) ; ATTAC (FR) ; ReAct (FR) ; Union of rented employees of the banking sector (GR).
Signataires de l’appel constitutif du réseau (Juin 2013)
*Membres observateurs
ATTAC-Austria, transform ! austria/transform ! europe, Austrian social forum, GPA *
Association culturelle J. Jacquemotte – ACJJ*, Attac-Belgique/België, C.N.C.D., CAE – Comité d’Action Europe, CIRE, CSC, CNE Econosphères, FGTB*, FGTB-Bruxelles, FGTB – Centrale générale, Global Social Justice, IW FGTB Wallonne, Masereelfonds *, MOC, Observatoire Social Européen)
Right to the city, Subversive Forum
Czech Republic
Czech social forum*
transform danmark/transform ! europe, European Left Observer
Attac Finland
AITEC, Appel des appels, Ars Industrialis, Association autogestion, ATTAC-France, CAC Collectif Audit Citoyen, CGT, Convergence de Défense et Développement des services publics, Economistes Atterrés, Espace Marx/transform ! europe, A.C !, Féd. de la Maison des Potes *, Féministes pour une autre Europe, Fondation Copernic, FSU, IERPE, LDH – Ligue des droits de l’Homme, Roosevelt 2012, SNES – FSU, Union syndicale Solidaires, SUD BPCE *, Mémoire des luttes, Marche Mondiale des femmes France, Mouvement de la Paix, Résistance sociale
Forum Soziales Europa, GEW *, IG Metall *, Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung*/transform ! europe, Verdi
Act up - drasi, AKOA- Youth, Anti-cancer Volunteers Network, Antifascist Front of Holargos, Arsis/Anti-poverty Network, Attac-Greece - las, Babels, Citizens in Action, World Volunteer Alliance, DIOTIMA, Federation of Private Employees, FEANTSA, Federation of bank employees, Greenpeace Greece, GSEE*, Initiative for the Defense of Democracy and Society, Initiative for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Athens Labour Center-EKA, ADEDY, Diktyo, Network for the Support of Immigrants and Refugees, Nicos Poulantzas Institute/transform ! europe, Open City Municipal Coalition of Athens, Panhellenic Medical Association, Radical Ecology, Autonomous Intervention, Solidarity network of Kypseli, OLME*, Youth of Syn / NPI, Rosa Luxemburg-Greece Association against banks’ arbitrariness, Initiative for the defense of Society and Democracy, Association of Volunteers against cancer KEFI, Arsis, Greek Network against poverty, Citizens in action, DIOTIMA Centre of women’s studies and research, Women’s initiative for reproductive and sexual health, ACT UP, Network for Social and Political Rights, Greek Network Friends of Nature, New Friends of nature, Radical Ecological Left, Solidarity for All,
Self-managed catering of Law School, Movement against police arbitrariness, Mind the Cam/Radiobubble, Save Greek Water*, No to extraordinary taxation-Oropos*, Active citizens for overthrow-Peristeri, Open City-Athens, ECO-POLIS Xaidari, Movement “Deport Racism”, Network for Social Support to Immigrants and Refugees. ), Autonomous Intervention, Network of precarious workers/unemployed, * General Confederation of Labour-Gsee*, Federation of Secondary Education Functioners (OLME)*, Federation of Petrol Industry*, Federation of Gate Security Staff*, Labour Centre of Messologi*, National Federation of Spectacles*, Union of HSAP Employees (city trains)*, Union of Naval employees Piraeus Port*, Federation of Pharmacy Employees*, Union of rented employees of the banking sector*.
Altramente Scuola per tutti *, Another Road for Europe, Arci, CGIL, FIOM, Cobas, Firenze 10+10, Labour & Globalization, transform !italia/transform !europe, Sinistra Euromediterranea, Global Project, IFE Italia/FAE
Attac Norway, Norwegian social forum, Campaign for the Welfare State, LO i Oslo, Nei til EU Norway, LO i Asker og Bærum, Fellesforbundet avd. 850
Feminists for another Europe, Attac Poland, August 80, OZZPIP
ATTAC-Portugal, Cultra/transform !europe, Fenprof, CGT-P, Precarios Inflexiveis*, UMAR,
AD Romanian Social Forum, Cartel-Alfa, CSDR, FSLI,
USSS Loga*
ATTAC-Spain, CC.OO. *, ELA, ESK, Intersindical Valenciana, USO, CIG, UGT*
Coalition of Resistance, Red Pepper
AEDH, Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance, Friends of the Earth, CADTM, CEO Corporate Europe Observatory, ETUC *, EAPN, EPSU, ETF, ETUCE (CSEE), ETUI*, Euromemo, European Alternatives, Europe-Solidarity, Greenpeace Europe, ITUC/PERC, Marche Mondiale des Femmes – Europe, European Network against Financialization of Nature*, PERC*, Praha Spring 2, S2B – Seattle to Brussels, Solidar, Tax Justice Network Europe, Euromarches, Transform ! Europe, ICAN International Citizen Debt Audit Network, Feminists for another Europe, People’s Health Movement,