Debt, banks, tax havens

Title : Peoples in debt – banks in heaven

End the debt slavery (part I); Ways towards appropriate banking (part II); Discussion on the strategies to achieve the main targets that would have been defined (part III).

Facilitation : Myriam Bourgy + Haris Golemis

Saturday Morning assembly

Initiatives, articulating European and national perspectives, related to the chapters I and IV of the manifesto.

Part I: End the Debt slavery - 1h30 (1h debate)
Inputs (less than 10min each) :
- Citizen Debt Audit (CADTM Europe)
- Wealth Redistribution campain (German unionist)
- Which ECB intervention in the Eurozone (Greek input)

Part II - Ways towards appropriate bankingBanks 1h30 (1h debate)
Inputs (less than 10min each) :
- Input on failed banks / Toxic credit / Dexia (CAC)
- Bank regulation / Tax havens (Attac Spain)
- Socialization of credit (on examples in Chypr, Belgium...)

Saturday Afternoon assembly : What common initiatives and strategies put forward as priorities in relation to debt and banks issues ? (part III)

The afternoon session will be dedicated to discussion the strategies to achieve the main targets that would have been defined. The aim is a dynamic exchange with the organizations present who will share their experiences and proposals in those fields. Articulation will be sought between similar initiatives, as well as convergences between national and transnational initiatives. Common priorities should be defined.

It will start by 3 inputs on strategies to cover main priorities.

Facilitation : Elisabeth Gauthier + Franco Carminati Introduction / synthesis of the morning discussion: Pierre Khalfa

Inputs from actors (From a movements, unions, and political point of views…):
- ETUC ? Other unionist ?
- Transform (Greece)
- Representative of the Feminist assembly presenting the respective results of the feminist assembly (friday)
- Attac Europe